Much and Link Love: January 16

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Half way through the month of the first of 12 for 2012.  How are you doing so far on those New Years Resolutions?  I know the above picture makes you long for spring (or at least it makes me want to)!

I’ve been thinking about a TON recently, some of which I’ve made known some of which I haven’t.

I really like this blog, it allows me to connect with people with thoughts in my head, photos out of my camera, and food that gets cooked in my kitchen.  But, honestly, I’m a little TIRED of other forms of social media (true social media).  The one I leave out right now is Pinterest, because it works as a creative google reader for me.  I’m speaking mainly of two: Facebook and Twitter . FB: I’ve used it rather well – to stay connected with people, to know what they are doing, to build relationships that I would not have otherwise built, etc.  That has been good.  Twitter got opened later to basically be a voice for the blog and for companies and the curriculum I am writing.  one of those has got to go.  I think I know which one.  Here is why

FB: voyerism is becoming an American lifestyle.  I wake up and look at my phone.  We don’t have internet at the house, so I want to know whats going on in the world and I look at FB while I am still under the covers.  Why?  Is anything really that important?   Do I nreally need to consume my life with things that shouldn’t?  I want to be authentic at authentic community and FB walls and status updated don’t allow the freedom to do that without everyone stating their own opinion (which isn’t that the real reason you make your status that anyway? – Be honest!

I love email and text messages.  I love books.  I love blogs and face to face communication times.  I want to be known for ME, to be REALLY known, not just known by why I put on FB or twitter.

So, I think that is going to go.  Soon.

In other news:

Finishing Quarter 4 this week

Trying to be more intentional with my reading, setting timers: things like that.

Going to the mountains this weekend, very excited about that.

Did you know that you could get “shorts” at Starbucks – meaning a size smaller than the tall.  I love it!  Less calories, less full, less money!

I want authentic community.

What are you reading right now: Lit!, Walking in the Spirit, The Meaning of Marriage, Psalms, James, Glenn Miller & His Orchestra, Pure Style, Excellence – definitely a varied little stack right now. 

What does it take to be a true trend setter?  Not to be someone who just follows up and has opinions about what everyone else is talking about – but true ideas for themselves?  I’m not trying to ignore or think that it is not true that “there is nothing new under the sun” – but really, I think I had about 50 friends post a Jesus>Religion video and think that it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, then come back the next day and had about half as many friends post the links from Kevin DeYoung and others that talked about how that video wasn’t actually the right way to think (and they thought that video was great).  Where do true trendsetters come from?  How do we think creatively with the brains and hearts and passions that God has given EACH of us?

Here are some links:

Juicing benefits

Whole Grains – and I’m not talking about making lucky charms with the white check on the box meaning that its whole grain.  HA!  I would love to have the full health benefits from what I eat. 


2 Responses

  1. Jennifer Doty

    I’ve been off facebook since just before Christmas. I had been on facebook for probably about 8 years. (since I was a sophomore in college) I am really really enjoying life without facebook. I was spending WAY too much time on there. It was my primary method to communicate with people. It has made me slightly sad that I haven’t been able to keep up with the friends who are getting married and having babies. Overall, it has been a tremendous blessing for me though. I don’t have the distraction of always wanting to check facebook and keep up with people. It seriously amazes me how much more time I have. I started reading the Bible chronologically just a bit before I got off facebook, but now I am close to 50% of the way through. I’ve been able to lots of reading. Getting off facebook has called to mind some very important things for me: I have children to play with and love on and Christ who deserves to be treasured above all things.

    • Kimberly

      Thanks Jenn. After talking with E I doubt I’ll get off for good – but definitely monitor how much time I spend on there and how much I update it. he read through the Bible chronologically last year and enjoyed it.