December Picture Books

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I have really fallen in love with reading to my boys.  It is a sweet time on the couch or on their bed.  We read chapter books or picture books.

But, I also let them pick out many of their own books at the library.  They like to wander through the picture book section and find books that have dogs and fire trucks – at least for now.

I also like to get as many from this list.  It is super helpful.  I’ve not found we like them all, but it gives us new ideas and brings us new authors I wouldn’t have known about.

So, here are our favorites from December.  We probably read over 60 picture books.  These are our favorites because the boys picked these over and over.

Pirate Boy.  I’ve read this so much the last two months.  And it is mommy’s as heroes – so its a perfect one to read with your boys.

Mr. Tiger Goes Wild.  My boys laughed at the animals wearing clothes.  But, it talks about being who you are supposed to be. As believers, we don’t necessarily need to tell our boys to “be all that they can be” but we need to point them to God’s plan for their lives.

Can You Growl Like A Bear?

This was definitely the funnest book because they boys were acting out every animal in this book every time we read it!

Snowmen All Year: This is one we got from the RAR list.  And the boys definitely loved it.  Even if we didn’t see any snow this year.

Oliver Finds His Way.  A bear and a journey.  And talk of home.

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons

A friend of mine gave us this book, after we read it all weekend our friends were here. So fun!  Believe me!


Traveling Healthy During the Holidays

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Healthy Holidays

Over the river and through the woods.

In a one-horse open sleigh.

Grandma got ran over by a reindeer.

Walking in a winter wonderland.

No matter how you travel this holiday season, you definitely want to arrive safe, stay safe, and return to your home – hopefully without a trip to the hospital!  I have already traveled over this holiday season with my two little boys, and I wanted to share some tips with you!

  1.  Eat healthy.  I know, crazy, and hard to do. But, this helps!  If you pack some fruit in the car, get applesauce, clementines, or fruit pouches when you go in for lunch at your favorite lunch place while traveling, and definitely if you get those fluids going.  This is especially hard when you are aiming for speed on your trip – because diapers need changing and if you are potty training then you stop often.  But, just know that fluids really do help your body (and your little one’s body) stay healthy!
  2. Get exercise.  When you get to your destination – and even on the way – incorporate exercise into your vacation plans.  My boys love parks and would play all day!  And at those rest areas, do some jumping jacks or run around in the grassy areas.
  3. Be prepared.  If you son or daughter takes medication, be prepared with how much you will need.  If they have allergies, make sure you understand the place you are going and what you might encounter.  Always know where a medical doctor is.  Whether it is a clinic, an emergency room, or a hospital – this is crucial.  We usually go places we know for the holidays, so I always know where places are.  But, if I’m going somewhere new, I would use Amino’s great guide to help you find what you need in your time of stress.  All on one site, too!
  4. Be loved.  Stress is such a killer during the holidays.  Whether its the traffic or the relationships, look on the bright side, slow down, love.

And with that, happy safe and healthy travels.  Thanks Amino for the hint!

The Cross and the Incarnation

posted in: Bible | 2


Oh, with Jingle Bells, Joy to the World, and Silent Night – we often approach Advent and the Christmas season with a much anticipated (and deserved) joy in our hearts, smile on our faces, and bounce in our step.  And rightly so.  The hope and knowledge that the second person of the Trinity came willingly to become a little baby born to obscure people in a remote nothing town – amazing.

As Elyse Fitzpatrick teaches us “The Son agreed to be sent as a redeemer for a race of men yet to be created, but in order to do so, He would have to become a new sort of person, one in the likeness of his fallen brothers and yet immutably God.  He agreed to do this not out of necessity, not because he was forced to or lacked something in himself that only the incarnation would provide, but because of God’s own purpose and grace…” (pg 30, Found in Him).

Jesus knew that His mission when He came to earth was to die.  Who would do that?  Certainly not you or me!

But, God did.  Jesus did.  Full of the Holy Spirit.

So, when we open Christmas presents and sing carols and drive around and look at lights…remember that the cross was in the future.  For you.  For me.  For the glory of God.

O Holy Night

posted in: sin, Worship | 4

Have to admit: this is definitely in my top 3 favorite Christian Christmas songs. Each year I hear it there are different truths I hear and remember. Here is my favorite rendition of it. And here is my second fave. With that last one, the cool thing, so many of those on the video are worshiping Jesus around His throne this Christmas).
So, here we go…

O holy night, the stars are brightly shining; (I love how God made even the stars to glorify Him)
It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth! (How dear is Christ to me really? Do I really know Him to be my only Savior?)
Long lay the world in sin and error pining, (What does pining mean? to lose vigor, health, or flesh (as through grief), to yearn intensely and persistently especially for something unattainable. And oh, how I do that. I persist in sin when I know Christ is better).
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope, the weary soul rejoices, (Sin is very tiring and exhausting)
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices! (This is the immediate necessary response to seeing Jesus.)
O night divine, O night when Christ was born!
O night, O holy night, O night divine!

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand. (Do we readily admit/recognize that Jesus came in human form. Dr. Moore just wrote a great post on this: So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming,
Here came the wise men from Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger, (Really, Jesus, the Name Above all Names, King of Kings…born in a dirty manger? Andrew Peterson’s Labor of Love tells this beautifully)In all our trials born to be our Friend!
He knows our need—to our weakness is no stranger. (The Bible tells us He knows all of our struggles, He is our great High Priest, our Perfect Sacrifice.)Behold your King; before Him lowly bend!
Behold your King; before Him lowly bend!

Truly He taught us to love one another; (If we name Christ…this should be evident in our lives)
His law is love and His Gospel is peace.
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother (I am in such bondage, without Christ. Why do I continue to live in the bondage with Christ?)And in His Name all oppression shall cease. (Help me, Jesus, to know the power of your name over all my temptations)Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy Name! (Worship should be 100% of us: dancing, singing, joyfully rejoicing)
Christ is the Lord! O praise His name forever! (one day, everyone will bow. This side of eternity effects the other side of eternity.)
His pow’r and glory evermore proclaim!
His pow’r and glory evermore proclaim!

So…how do you celebrate Christmas? Everyone has a thought on this. I’ve read some that are depressing and some that are grand. After working retail for many years at the holidays, it is very hard for me to celebrate Christmas at home. But…I love focusing on the gospel. The gospel that Christ came to earth in the man, Jesus. This holiday is His. This holiday isn’t mine. This holiday isn’t mine to get and give gifts. This holiday is His. How will I celebrate when (if ever) I get married and have kids? I don’t know. But, it is something to think about.
May you celebrate well, this O Holy Night.

Much and Link Love (December 13 edition)

posted in: sin | 0

1. Craziness. Always good to start out a post like this.
2. By Wednesday night, I’ll have attended 6 Christmas concerts, cantatas, worship services, whatever you want to call them. Be on the look out for a synopsis of all of them when finished.
3. My eyes are tired. That tells me something. Just don’t know quite how to remedy it right now.
4. Much baking this week: cranberry bliss bars, toffee sugar cookies, red pepper hummus, toffee dip, pork tenderloins, mac and cheese, gingerbread chai bars, roasted green beans. Think that may be it.
5. Every day, every bite struggle. Thnk on the gospel, not on this body.
6. First day of Gold’s Gym tomorrow.
7. Its cold. Yes, I’m just stating a fact, not necessarily complaining.
8. Thankful for men in my life who set a high bar. I’m graced with their presence, encouraged by them, and wait patiently for God.
9. I must write children’s curriculum because I have an empty gatorade bottle sitting on my desk, filled with rice and small plastic objects. Thankful for object lessons.
10. This week: a party, NCIS with room, mani/pedi, concert, lunch with a friend, dinner for friends, Narnia movie night, brunch with a friend, 2 more lunchs with friends, trip to the museum for my room’s bday, and church. Sounds like a full week!

1. Aslan or Jesus?
2. Side note: Voyage of the Dawn Treader – GREAT!
3. Think I will make these Christmas morning! With some real maple syrup!
4. Love Linus!
5. Great to keep in mind as you head out to all those parties – or as you stand over your sink.
6. This is my favorite children’s Bible and a timely video on Christmas.
7. Have red lentils: may make this soup.
8. Some of the reasons on this list is why I stopped watching the Biggest Loser.
9. If you haven’t already seen this by Driscoll, you will want to read!