Building Spiritual Disciplines in your Toddler (part 2)

Just for Me Bible

How many of you have more than 10 Bibles in your home?  That would definitely define our home – we have so many, and many in boxes.  The ones in boxes are probably from our childhood.  They are tucked away to help us remember what the Lord has done in our lives by the help of His word.  That is actually why I encourage note taking, prayer highlighting, etc in your Bible.

One of the ways to teach children, especially starting in the toddler years, even before they can read, to love their Bibles (the very Word of God) is by getting a little Bible made just for them.  The new Tommy Nelson Bible,the Just for Me Bible,  complete with round board book edges and a bridge red handle, is a perfect example.

You can teach your toddler to look in the Bible.  You can teach them to take their Bibles to church.  You can teach them to turn in their Bibles when the pastor instructs the adults to turn in their Bibles.  They may not even be able to read yet and yet they will be learning a valuable discipline of loving the Word of God.

If you would like to win one of these for your toddler: tell me what was your favorite Bible story when you were little.

Thanks Tommy Nelson for the book: all thoughts are my own.

6 Responses

  1. Carrie Beth

    One of my favorites as a child was about the plagues.

  2. Bonnie

    Might sound cliche but Noah and the arc. I’ve always been a sucker for anything to do with animals (which of course is what I thought the story was all about as a kid. :))

  3. Sandra Woodard

    The story about how Jesus loves the little children, and how they are all precious they are to Him is still one of my favorites! Working for a nonprofit allows me to love on His special little ones. This also makes me so grateful for Micaiah and the blessing he is. So thankful!

  4. Tasya

    There’s so many, but I’ve always liked the story of Joseph.