June 4: Link Love

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Back in the Day Bakery

I haven’t done a link love in a while – so much going on and I’m finally getting around to blogging more now that I’ve got a schedule mostly figured out with two boys for the summer.  Thankful for a block of time to be creative in the middle of the day!

Here are some gems found around the internet:

Dr. Moore speaks to writers – and really other creative – about “cultivating creativity – or imagination”  Love it!

Joining up with Jess Lively to take 30 photos of things I’m grateful for throughout June.  Sometimes when it is hot my patience wears thin – so I’m thankful for this little exercise!

Think I’m going to be making this soon for a cheap meal!  As always we are trying to cut back on our food budget!

Since we don’t have a fire pit in our backyard this summer, might have to settle for these!


Entrusted with the Gospel: Book Review

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Crossway released a sermon series based on The Gospel Coalition’s 2009 national conference. Just in case you couldn’t attend, you can now read the sermons. Edited by D. A. Carson (who is brilliant and pastoral), this book features such preaching power-houses as John Piper, Philip Ryken, Mark Driscoll, Edward Copeland, Bryan Chappell, and Ligon Duncan (thankful to his years of ministry to/with CBMW). This book shows the reader that good sermons ought to serve as quality commentaries. These aren’t pithy sermons, or topical. They all are applicable to the listener and concerns the text by Paul to Timothy in his second pastoral epistle to him.
My two favorites were by Ryken then Driscoll. But, here are some of my favorite quotes:
“Some people say that doctrine kills, but this way of thinking is completely alien to the apostle, who believed that sound doctrine brings life and health to the people of God.” – Ryken
“It is the Word that the holy Spirit has unbound and unchained for the salvation and the sanctification of the people of God.” – Ryken
“The first is that if we have died with Christ, we ought to live with him, which means our community life, our speech, our interactions and relationships, and our attraction to spiritual things ought to reflect the life Christ gives, not the death that separation from Him reflects.” – Driscoll
“Failure to recognize the urgency of the hour will cause you to waste time on the inconsequential.” – Copeland

All pastors, especially young pastors, need to read this book. Thank you Crossway, Carson, and preachers.