Wow – here we go! 🙂
I already love living in Raleigh – have eaten at Chipotle, Tripps, Whole Foods, and the Cheesecake Factory – good stuff! This week will be some leftovers, eating out, and over at a friend’s home.
So, since I haven’t sat down to plan out my daily menu – I’ll just give you a run down of what I will be eating this week. Usually I will take Fridays to plan for the next week – sitting at Caribou – planning my work, home, exercise, and cooking schedule for the following week
Breakfasts will probably be fruit and banana pancakes.
Lunch: leftovers of cheesecake factory’s chopped vegetable salad with chicken – at least 2 days; majudra leftovers – maybe topped on a salad.
Dinners: salad with egg whites – grits and egg white – and then whatever else I didn’t eat for lunch.
Thursday I’m hanging out with Bonnie for dinner. Saturday for lunch will be BBQ in Morrisville with Janel. The recipe of the week will be Tuscan Bean Soup from BH&G 2/2008. I know it is getting warm, but I still find something so comforting in soups. I love things you can eat with a spoon! And it is really easy and full of vegetables! I’ll probably go ahead and make this completely vegetarian by using veggie broth instead of chicken broth.