Social media often times get a bad rap. Most say that who you see on the computer screen isn’t really the real person who is doing the typing. So…today’s question: is the real you and the online you the same?
Yes and no. Only sometimes do I post pictures of me when I’m not wearing makeup and my hair is in a ponytail with my glasses on. Truth be told – that is how I normally am. However, I have gotten better and don’t wear yoga pants every day – that is more for my mister.
I usually don’t post ALL of my parenting failures – but I do post some.
I am sarcastic online – and I’m sarcastic in real life. But, I’ve gotten less with both. Because often times, sarcasm doesn’t give grace to the receiver.
Yes, that I do share what God is teaching me. But, no that I don’t share everything. I’ve gotten in trouble in the past for sharing too much on my blog – so I’ve definitely toned that down some. So, if you really wanna know what is going on in my heart: then you have to be in a tight group of people, and we have to be talking in a non-public context (like face to face, phone text, email, private msg, etc.
I am more extroverted online – I’m definitely more of an introvert in person.
All in all – I really do think my online self and real life self (to my close community) is the same.