Should You Study the Book of Acts? (Giveaway and Interview)

posted in: Bible, Books | 1

I minored in history, I grew up doing cemetery rubbings on vacation (put a piece of paper over old headstones and coloring it with a crayon), I love love love history, and honestly, confession here, I often times find the book of Acts boring.

I know…maybe it has something to do with its narrative and I’ve read it before so I know how it ends – or maybe there aren’t enough imperatives in it for me to live our in my daily life (like sharing the gospel and being a sold-out Jesus freak aren’t enough).  Or maybe it is because I don’t experience the Holy Spirit and his work like that in the book of Acts on a daily basis.  Maybe its because my Christian life experience is so different then those in the book of Acts.

A new study, written by Erica Wiggenhorn, helps me and hopefully will help you, learn to love the book of Acts.  In this study, she helps you engage with a part of history that you might otherwise find difficult, she helps you personalize stories and the character of the Spirit that otherwise might seem distant, and she helps you see the power of the Word of God.

Here are some insightful questions that Erica took the time to answer for yall:

Most women have two thoughts about Bible Study that hinders them from digging into God’s Word : 1) I don’t have time. 2) I won’t understand it. How does this Bible study encourage women to step out of those two hindrances?

I love these two questions, because they encompass a couple of primary reasons why I felt called to write this particular study. I’ll start with obstacle #2 first! The very first page of this study begins with “Let’s Open Our Minds” and quotes Luke 24:45, where it says that Jesus opened the disciples’ minds so they could understand the Scriptures. My favorite thing about Bible study is how it allows the Holy Spirit to open our minds and understand Scriptures in a new and fresh way we had never thought of before. It allows us to access all of the time, research and background that an author has poured into a passage of Scripture and consolidate it for us, the reader, in such a way that we can achieve greater understanding without having to spend hours researching ourselves! The characters and circumstances come to life in such a way that we can relate to them as real people.  So on to #1! What we discover in the lives of the early believers was that their lives were unexplainably changed due to their commitment to following Jesus alongside other believers and to studying His Words and teachings diligently. The truth is none of us “have time” but if we know in our soul that we are missing out on something in our Christian walk, we know in our heart that we are not as intimate with Jesus as we would like to be, and we know in our mind that there must be more to this whole following Jesus thing than we are currently experiencing, then we must intentionally choose to “make time.” Time spent with God in His Word will always return more to us than we ever spend!

 The book of Acts can be such a compelling book to look at the work of the Holy Spirit. What are one or two of your favorite characteristics of the Spirit?

I love how the Holy Spirit personalized each conversion story. He never does the exact same thing twice in the book of Acts. It’s as if He knows each person’s heart and does all that He can to help us believe and overcome our unbelief! Another thing I love is how He works in the lives of those who already  believe. Again, He does unique things in each person’s experience in order to give them the greatest chances to obey. Sometimes He sends an angel, other times He speaks directly, other times He operates through a vision, occasionally miracles happen, but each and every time the experience is personalized. It makes me realize that He is not some impersonal cosmic force, but a form of God Who knows me, sees me, loves me, and desires to be an intimate part of my everyday life!

How do you balance everything you do?  Is balance the right word?  

Well this is a funny question, seeing as I how I was just venting to my husband this morning that I “have way too much to do!”. I think balance may be a misnomer as every day contains new variables and unexpected circumstances for which we did not expect or plan. I think “prioritize” might be a better word! Despite what each day brings, am I able to keep my priorities in line with what pleases the Lord? Do I still spend time with Him, still talk to Him, still minister to my family above everything else that needs to get done? One thing that helps me immensely is to go back to the very beginning of creation and realize that the first thing God created was time. He is Lord of time and knows all I have to do and how much time I have to do it! When I intentionally make time for Him each day, whether I get everything crossed off on my to-do list or not, my perspective remains constant, my attitude is more likely to stay in check, and the people I love the most get the best of me rather than the leftovers! When I don’t start by investing in my relationship with God first, but frantically grab my to-do list, I’m usually less effective throughout the day and not nearly as gracious in my relationships :).

 What are three things you are loving right now?

Only 3?! One thing I am loving is continuing my study of the early church! I am making my way through the rest of Acts and I am in awe of  how the Holy Spirit continued to work in these early believers’ lives! I am starting to wake up and say, “Okay Holy Spirit, what have you got planned today? This cracked pot is your vessel- fill me and use me!” Secondly, I am loving David McCasland’s book Oswald Chambers: Abandoned To God, because it is the life story of my favorite devotional writer. I have gone through My Utmost for His Highest for the last several years and knowing the circumstances behind his devotional entries brings them to life in such a powerful way. It parallels the illumination that occurred in studying the historical and cultural background behind the stories in Acts and allows with me to connect with the apostles and early believers more deeply.  Thirdly, I’ll confess I am loving Hannah’s Italian Ice! It’s a little cafe near our home and they mix flavored ice and custard in layers- super delicious! My kids and I love to go there after school and cool off from the hot Phoenix afternoons and share what happened during the day. It’s a little splurge that helps me connect with my kids and when you’re raising tweens, you’ll take every moment you can get!

To win a copy of her new study, An Unexplainable Life, which is a study on the first half of the book of Acts, just answer the following: what are a few things you are loving right now?

Thanks to Side Door Communications for this study and for the giveaway to one of you.  All opinions are my own.


Do You Struggle with Shame? (Interview and Giveaway)

posted in: Books | 2

In today’s world, as a woman with any title, career, family status, marital status, or body type – you have probably struggled with shame over something.

Maybe its your infertility and you think its your fault?

Maybe its over your husband’s sexual sin – or your own sexual sin?

Maybe its because your children regularly disobey you in public settings?

Maybe its because you binge or purge with your relationship with food?

Maybe its because your house doesn’t look like a Pottery Barn magazine like the rest of the homes in the neighborhood?

Maybe its because of the debt that you know has a hold on you – and your checkbook?

Maybe its because you are the only single woman at your high school reunion?

All of these situations can produce shame.  But, they don’t have to.  If you are in Christ, there doesn’t need to be any shame.  You are righteous in Christ.  You can not be condemned (Romans 8).  He is yours and you are His.  Sin, rightly so, needs to be repented of and turned away from – but you don’t need to feel shame.  Shame even happens in relationships in our churches.  Maybe we don’t live up to certain standards.  Oh, friends, don’t let shame run your heart and mind.

Laura Dingman recently published a study on shame and how we can let the Word and Jesus help us.  I got the opportunity to ask her a few questions (to help you get to know the book and her better).  Keep reading and there will be a great giveaway at the bottom of this post:

Why this study?  Why now?

I think a lot of writers end up penning what they’ve learned firsthand. That’s my experience, anyway. I feel like I can only write about that which I have lived. These are lessons God has taught me over the past several years. Lessons about who I really am in Christ. Lessons about why I really hide and how I deal with shame. Lessons about what it looks like to partner with friends for the sake of the Gospel. Lessons about God’s relentless love that just never quits pursuing. So, the short answer is it happens to be what I’ve been learning. The other piece is it seems to be a conversation I’m having a lot with people I’m doing life with—whether in ministry or just life in general. Shame cripples us and keeps us from so many things. The conversations about connection are growing right now as well. The Gospel story offers a solution to shedding shame and connecting with others. It seems to be relevant in our current cultural climate.

As you teach women to study the word, what is the one thing you hope they walk away with?

I pray they have a greater understanding of how Christ actually views them. That Jesus loves them enough to give his life away. That He values them and they matter to the Kingdom. I pray they know they were once lost and now have a place at the table with the King.


For those who want to be a writer, or ministry leader, how do you balance ministry life and personal life? 

This is something I’m still trying to learn!

Don’t be afraid to say no.

Don’t be afraid to prioritize the relationships that matter most—the ones under your roof.

Beth Moore has a great quote: “God will never call you to sacrifice your intimacy with Him on the altar of ministry.” This is so true. I think it’s also true of intimacy in your most important relationships as well. If something is suffering—your family life, your relationship with God, the fruit of the Spirit, your awareness of God’s presence—you’re probably doing something God hasn’t called you to do. It’s that simple.

So much of the time we do more than we need to do. We are driven by “should.” Wayne Cordeiro wrote an excellent book called Leading on Empty in which he talks about your 5%. He explains that as leaders we typically focus on the 95% instead of the 5%. Your 5% consists of things only YOU can do. For me, I’m Matt’s only wife (and I’d like to keep it that way!), and Abigail’s only momma. No one else can substitute for me in those areas. No one else can care for or steward my body for me. These are the things in my 5%. I’m a writer. Other people can write. I’m a worship leader. Other people can lead worship. I’m a Bible teacher. Other people can teach the Bible. If I lose sight of my 5% because of the 95%, I’m out of balance and in need of recalibrating. It’s hard to say no in our culture because we don’t want to disappoint people. I’m a recovering perfectionist and a people pleaser, so it’s extra hard for me. But when I do exercise the power of a well-placed no—which ultimately leads to the even greater power of a well-placed yes—the difference astounds me.

The more my identity is secured in Christ, the easier it is for me to stay balanced. I’m not searching for approval and acceptance based on what I’m achieving. Instead, I’m allowing the Creator to love me and give me worth. And from that place, I can do good works He planned for me long ago.

Laura’s book, I Am Found, is helpful with Scripture, probing questions, and her desire is for you not to be perfect, but to rest in and pursue Jesus.  His love for you – let that be where you find your identity.  If you would like to win a copy, please leave a comment here or on social media with a verse that helps you when you have those less-than-perfect moments.  Thankful that she wrote this study and allows women to come wholly to the Word to experience freedom in the gospel.

Thanks Side Door Communications for the book and the giveaway.  All opinions are my own.



Victuals: a review

posted in: Books | 0

I love Southern cuisine.  Currently, in my freezer, I have a bag of purple hull peas.  I mean, yes.  My Granny’s most famous recipes were her chicken and rice and corned beef hash.

A friend of mine once said that you aren’t truly a southern cook unless you have a jar of bacon grease in your fridge.  I actually used to – but butter is super good, too.

Victuals is a book that not only tells the history of Southern cuisine, the food that hales from each region, and people who have made it famous, but also it shares delicious recipes that were developed and perfected in Southern kitchens.

If you love history and a readable cookbook, this one will be for you!

Now, on to that bacon grease!

Thanks to Blogging for Books for this book and all opinions are my own.

Unnatural Mom (a review)

posted in: Books, mothering, parenting | 0

Motherhood is such a journey – and a different journey for everyone.

Writing about the ups and downs of motherhood is quite difficult too.

I got married late and therefore had kids late (mid-to-late 30s).  I didn’t have many people in my life who truly told me how hard raising kids was going to be.  Even if I hung out with families, I only saw glimpses (and most of the kids knew to obey in front of guests).

So, I had different expectations for parenting.  And Hettie Brittz writes about parenting, motherhood, and all that goes with it in her new book (un)Natural Mom.  She tells about real life, and all the what ifs and all the doubts that we are mothers face.  I like that she is real.  I like that she tells it like it is and points us to SCripture (and not the world’s ideals).  I don’t like some of the daily specific things she talks about – because everyone is so different and may not find herself in the same story.

I do think that every woman (because she is a woman) is life-giving.  That may not mean being a natural mom, or even an adoptive mom – that may mean discipling others or bringing life to an art area that sparks her interest.  Affirming and maturing and building life is something we do because God created us as women.

Let us hold firm to what the Word says about women – not what the world says we have to be in order to be a good mom.

Thanks to Litfuse for this book.  All opinions are my own.

Finding Lovely

posted in: Books, food | 0

Finding Lovely

Happy Friday everyone.

I love just giving you a quick glance into our little world – and what things actually make me giddy.  I love holding my littles hands (when I’m doing it for fun, not for discipline because they ran away), I love friends who are great accountability partners and share their lives with me, I love celebrating friends who excel in their hobbies, I love sticking my feet in the sand at a beach.

Here are some lovelies around the internet that might make you Friday just a bit brighter, too.

If you love Alaska, love adventure, love a story of a father and daughter taking risks, learning about each other, and all the emotions that go with it – you will love James Campbell’s new book Braving It.  Parenting isn’t easy.  And the Alaska wilderness with a teenager isn’t easy.  But, this story holds truths about love and the nature of relationships that most will find compelling.

Trying to fit in more salads on our table – so this post was not only pretty but also inspiring.

I love Pinch of Yum food and also this post: about soaking up summer in all of its glory.  Summer looks different than I thought it would with kids and a working husband.  My mister always reminds me to change my expectations.

This has summer written all over it: and I want to eat it right now!  Maybe I’ll make some rosemary olive bread this wknd

Thanks to Blogging for Books for Braving It – all opinions are my own




Engaging Your Kids with the Bible

posted in: Bible, Books | 5

Now that school is starting back, most people are quickly engaging their kids with lots of tools to help them learn: ipads, calculators, folders, trapper keepers (wait, that was 30 years ago), fun pencils, Lisa Frank goodies, locker mirrors, back packs, lunch boxes with a favorite character on it.

A mom I know asked on facebook last night when did sending a kids to school get so expensive?  Everything adds up – all in the name of engaging the learner.

Something I loved from when I was a kid was going to the dentist and reading Highlights.  I loved it.  I can’t wait till my kids get old enough to read them.  One of my favorite features in each magazine was the story with the pictures in them (instead of the word).

So, when I received the Look and Tell Bible I was so excited because it was like my favorite kids magazine in the Bible.  How neat.

I had another mom over and showed this to her.  She tried to let her son read it, but some of the names in the stories were hard to figure out.  My kids only know general times like lion, ark, etc.  They wouldn’t know a lot of the specific Bible characters yet.

But, I think this book does really well at engaging older preschool children – maybe 4-5 year olds.  If you would like to win a copy of this beautiful hardback book with lots of fun Bible stories in it, just tell me what your favorite school supply was when you were growing up!  (Or maybe you still have a favorite school supply).

Thanks Tommy Nelson for this book, and the giveaway copy.  All opinions are my own.


Southern Spirits (a review)

Almost inevitably, when you mention food in the south you hear talk of fried chicken, okra, and apple pie.

And when you talk about spirits in the South, you here bourbon and moonshine.

I minored in history in college, wanting to be a history teacher, but that didn’t last long (when I had to do so many lesson plans), but I still loved history.  And that is one of the reasons I chose this book, Southern Spirits, to read.  I also liked new recipes but more importantly it was so I could learn the history and culture of different forms of alcohol in the culture that made them what they are.

If you like history and your drinks – then pick this one up.  Thank you Blogging for Books.

When the Parents Want it To Be Bedtime (giveaway)

posted in: Books | 7

Oh, since we moved into our new (to us, a rental) home on April 30, bedtime has been very LONG and tiring. We’ve had to switch bedrooms for our boys, try new tactics, etc.  They go to bed fine if someone other than my husband or I am putting them to bed, but for us it usually is an hour to get them asleep.

Often my husband is the one doing this, if he is home.  He is a champ.  And often he will fall asleep on older’s bed as he is laying there listening to our little one tell him all about his day.  My man is a working all day, come home, jump right in take care of the kids kinda dad.  And I love him for it!  I am one blessed momma!

Tommy Nelson has a new set of bedtime board books for the little ones that is a sweet duo of parent night night books.  There is one for mommies and another for daddies.  I would say the daddy one tends to talk more about God and his character than the Mommy one, but that’s the only difference for me.

I’m thankful and want to give away this set.  The question you need to answer is name one special part about bedtime for you and your littles.  And I always think new books are wonderful, and when your child is done with it, pass it along!

I Can Learn to Pray: Review and Giveaway

posted in: Books, parenting | 6

Praying is something that is vital to the Christian life.  And what better thing to teach our children but to pray to a God who made them and desires them to talk to Him.

The fact that we can talk to the very God who created us is an exciting thing.  He hears us!  He desires our words.  He hears our cries when no one else does.

At meals, especially when Daddy is home, our little prayers are short, but super sweet to watch.  Our younger who is almost 3, clasps his hands real tight and squeezes his eyes shut super tight.  Both of our boys say Amen in such a way that you totally know they are from the South.

Tommy Nelson gave me I Can Learn to Pray for me to read with our boys and share with you.  Continue reading to learn how to win a copy of your own for your family devotion times.

This book is designed for young school age kids.  There are 52 devotions, so you can use one a week and really concentrate on repetition so each of your children get it.  These devotions are great jumping off point for your family devotions, discussions, and any activities you might want to include.

If you do want to win this from Tommy Nelson, just leave a comment here or on a social media post  The book will be coming from social media, but I (kcreatives) want to include a moleskin prayer journal so you can keep track of prayer requests for your family.  So, what your comment needs to have is a verse that you would like written on the front of the moleskin.

Thanks for loving your kids well for the sake of the Gospel and teaching them how to pray!

Eating in the Middle : a review

posted in: Books, Uncategorized | 0

Cookbooks are usually what I pick up when I just need something beautiful to look at that will also inspire creativity.

And this one by Andie Mitchell also inspires health.

I’m thankful for blogging for books who gave me this new collection of recipes.  All opinions are my own but seriously what’s not to like?  Health recipes, a healthy thought life about engaging w food, thoughtful and engaging writing, and pretty pictures. That’s what every cookbook needs.