Baby Emmy

posted in: kcreatives photography, newborn | 0

I had the privilege of spending the day with this little bundle of pink, her mama, and her extended family this week.  I’ve known here Mama now for 17 years in January.  We’ve studied and cooked together, lived in the same dorm together, taken many midnight walks together, rode bikes together, been across the world together. We used to be neighbors in ATL, but now we live just a couple hours apart.

Our kids are like siblings – where most of the time they get along.  Can’t wait to watch this little one grow.

Here are just some of her session with me that day.  You are loved, baby Emmy.

kcreatives newborn: baby c

kcreatives newborn: baby c

Little toes. Little noses.  Little fingers.  Lots of laughs and pokes and sweet, tender moments from older siblings. Lots of wonder and amazement from tired but grateful parents.

Newborn shoots are a really sweet time to spend with a new family – maybe been a family for a while – but with the addition of each child, each special creation, a new family emerges.

I got to spend an evening with a sweet family in our church.  Baby was quite awake even with a full belly.  Perfect lighting outside and eager siblings made it for a fun, eventful evening.
















Thankful to be able to capture such moments.  Never to be had again.

“Something worth remembering” – all photos property of kcreatives photography.

If you’d like to “schedule” a newborn shoot, or talk about other services, please contact