Thanks for giving me a few weeks off from menu planning. I’ve barely got the kitchen unpacked into The Trace Kitchen – and I’m looking forward to trying these new recipes this week.
What are you cooking?
Monday: in honor of Cinco de Mayo – I’m making Willow Bird’s Taco Crescent Rolls and for dinner, chicken fajitas. Mister’s day off was switched this week so I’m trying to get some meal prep done today for the rest of the week. How do you go about meal prep? Especially if you have small children?
Tuesday: I got some red potatoes at the Marietta Farmer’s Maret over the wknd to make this roasted bake. Looked healthy and delicious!
Wednesday: This is a serious chicken pot pie – and I can’t wait to show you guys some photos of it.
Thursday: To use up the rest of the cream cheese from last night’s meal – I’ll be making some cream cheese mac and cheese. Two days in a row of comfort food!
Friday: Most Fridays I will not be doing much cooking since it is my mister’s only day off every week. I’m thinking of going to a pizza night on Friday nights – fun for everyone and a simple hands-off whole wheat crust and some homemade pizza sauce in the slow-cooker. I’ll be tweaking the pizza each week. This week I’m doing a white mushroom truffle oil pizza.
Baking of the week: some homemade granola bars for all of us to snack on during the week!
Maybe I’ll throw in a lime ice box pie this week too!
molly @ still being molly
I am SO honored you included me!! I can’t wait to hear how the roasted bake goes!! It’s sooooo yummy!!!!! 🙂
just now reading this…..did you do the granola bars and what was your combo? Did you love them? I am curious…..I am planning to try them this weekend! Thanks!