(This post is brought to you by Tommy Nelson Mommies and all thoughts are my own.)
Sometimes, we, as a family of 4 with two littles under the age of 6, have some interesting conversations at the dining table. We use the table as a place to get to know our children, let them talk about their days, what they learned that day, and to teach them manners (ha, they are both boys).
Especially on Sunday afternoons, we like to ask what they learned in Sunday School. They are using the Gospel Project in their classes, so I know the teaching they receive is spot on, but sometimes what comes out of their mouths is humorous.
Moses is the Father of lies.
All snakes lie.
Paul and Barnabas went on a walk.
Those are just a few of the things I have heard in the past few weeks.
I want to have open conversations about faith and Jesus and the Gospel and let it be a normal part of our every day conversations (not just relegated to Sundays or in their beds as they say their nightly prayers). Deuteronomy 6 teaches us this. As parents, we are to talk about Jesus all the time. This will come from a heart that loves Him!
As my boys little minds grow, they will get more curious about faith and Jesus and the stories they hear in the Bible. Even though I went to seminary, wrote Bible curriculum, and read a ton, I may not always know the best way to communicate God’s truth to my littles.
This post is about Kathryn Slattery’s 365 Bible Answers for Curious Kids. This is a resource to help young grade school kids know more about the questions they have. It is an easy to use q/a book with Scripture and a prayer. If you have a curious little one, this will be good to use at the dinner table, during family worship, or as you are putting them to bed (though, doing this may prolong bed time). Keep reading…
Here’s where my caution comes in: some of these questions aren’t answered how I would answer them. Can we pray for our pets? (Yes, I think it is ok to thank God for our pets because they bring us joy, but no, I don’t think pets can be saved and I don’t think all dogs go to heaven. If you have a pet you will need to deal with this question by your kids.) . On the question of Adam and Eve’s sin, she doesn’t say that all men have sinned because of that, but instead just says that God still loved them even after they sinned.
So, as with every book review I give, take every thought you read in this book and line it up with the whole counsel of the Word of God. If something doesn’t line up, you must go with the Word of God because that is your perfect standard of Truth.
If you want to win a copy from Tommy Nelson, just leave me a comment telling me one fun question about God your kids have asked you!