The King’s Locket

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I’m always eager to get good books in my boys’ hands.  And for boys, I can’t anticipate that they will love Anne of Green Gables and Little Women.  Though they might.  And I will read those books to them (or have them watch the movie.)

But, as they get older, they probably would like stories that contained adventure, battles, journeys, animals, and heroic tales.

The King’s Locket I think would be really good for young boys, a short chapter book that is an analogy of the themes in the Gospel story.

The story of a family dwelling in perfection.

The Fall of someone who wanted everything for himself.

The adoption of those outside the family.

The betrayal and hurt of going outside the realm of good.

The rescue that the Prince had to engage in to defeat the sinful presence.

The welcoming home celebration.

And even the groaning of all creation under the weight of the sin that crept into everything.

I loved the conclusion of this book: adoption, wholeness, celebration, glory, beauty, friendship.  Just what the Heavenly Father anticipates for His adopted children.  These things we may not experience here, especially in their fullness, but we can anticipate.  And wait with eagerness.  And teach our kids how to anticipate well.

Thanks to Jacob for passing this book to me.  Your kids will like it – especially as a read aloud. It gives you opportunity to talk to your kids about biblical themes from a short chapter book filled with lovely illustrations.  It would be good for a family read aloud and would capture even young readers.

The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible

posted in: Bible, Books | 0

I’ve not been this excited about a preschooler/toddler Bible in…EVER.

My friend Jared Kennedy makes this book a winner – by beautifully written stories and everything pointing back to Christ – for young kids.  Of course I love the Jesus Storybook Bible, but its more for older children, say 5-6yo.  But, this Bible, the Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible, is perfect for preschoolers.  And that’s just where my boys are.

This Bible isn’t about us.  Its not about how to get our kids to behave better or obey a list of rules (even good rules).  This Bible is about Jesus.  And that’s what the God Story is all about anyway.

Jared hits it out of the park with this one.  And after we finish our current family worship book, and Advent, we are going to use his.

Thanks to Litfuse for this book.  All opinions are my own.

Lavish Hospitality 6

posted in: 31days, Books, lavish hospitality | 0

One aspect of mothering is that it is life-giving.  And as women, I think we are naturally life-givers.  Maybe not all of us have biological children, but we are all made in the image of God, and being image bearers as females, I think we are life-givers.

You can be life-givers as a wife, mom, foster mom, adoptive mom, friend, neighbor, church member, business woman, daughter, granddaughter, caregiver, single, married, widowed, divorced.

Hospitality is life-giving as well.  We can be life-giving in our homes, our cars, our work, our church, our communities.  This may look like bringing a small gift to a neighbor who has just moved in or one who is going through a rough time (a gift card or something fresh from the oven or grocery store).  This may look like welcoming your kids’ friends over to your house every Friday night – or any night of the week – just so they have a loving place to hang out.  This may look like talking to the older women sitting around you in church, the ones you don’t know, the ones who look lonely.

Whatever hospitality looks like for you – bring life to someone else.

Book quote from Missional Motherhood by Gloria Furman


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The kids wake you up all hours of the night.  Whether its night terrors, wet beds, loss of their stuffed animal, or maybe still night feedings.

You have an argument with your husband early in the morning that sets the tone for the rest of the day.

Your jeans don’t fit the way you want them to.

The car won’t start.

You burn the cookies.

You don’t love well.

You are anxious about meetings coming up in the coming day.

Whatever hits your world today, the Word of God is your hope.  Christ is your hope.

That’s why I think Gracelaced is a helpful book, no matter the season you are in.

If you are female – this book will meet you were you are.

Ruth is a watercolor and lettering artist, mom of lots of boys, wife, writer, believer.  I had the opportunity to meet her at the last TGCW conference.  Engaging in every way, in person and on the page.

She writes a devotional book for women that is full of truth – just overflowing with it. I know many women who don’t think they can understand deep theology.  Theology is just what you believe about God – the study of God.  And this book will help you grip tighter to your solid beliefs about God.

This book will help you rehearse the truth of the Word that your soul, your heart, and your mind, so desperately need!

And its pretty!

Other Gospel-rehearsing books for anyone to read:

The Gospel Primer

Cross-Centered Life

Finding Lovely

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Papa the Veteran

Happy Friday.

One of the people I’ve known the longest in my life is my Papa.  For all but 8 months of my life growing up (until I went to college), he lived across the pasture from me.  He taught me to fish and make french fries from scratch.  He always called me Kimberly.  He taught me how to pick oranges and muscadines.  He fought in battles to make this country what it is today.  And at 93, he is still mowing his yard, and having conversations about the government or fishing to anyone who will listen.  Thanks Papa for serving our country!

You don’t need to be planning a wedding, or going to a wedding to enjoy these cocktails. On a side note, I got to hang out with Cathy this week at our Pursuit Communities Atlanta Friendsgiving.  I made a tart, did the place cards, many others brought yummy foods, Mandi hosted the event, we sat around the table discussing our craft, our families, our histories and our futures.  Thankful for this creative group.

All you moms out there – you need to read this.  So gospel centered and right on point.

I do love a good cookbook, but there are so many out there.  How do you pick a good cookbook?

Tonight, if it were just my mister and me, I would make this soup, and have some of this apple pie, and just hang out on the couch.

Raising kids makes me think about a lot: how I was raised, how I want to raise my boys, what does it mean to be a family in 2016 and beyond.




The Last 5 Minutes (a book review and giveaway)

posted in: Books, Kids r Readers 2 | 4

Our days are filled with so much.  From the time the alarm goes off (before 6 for me) until I crawl into bed (usually between 10-11 at night), so much happens.

I get my older on the school bus while it is still dark.

I read all my social media, blogs, emails, etc – get everything cleaned out.

I spend time in the Word to fuel my mind and soul for everything that will come my way that day.

I sit with my husband for a little bit before he gets ready for work.

I run and errand and play at the park with my little.

We do lunch with the older gets home from preschool.

I work, play, cook, clean during naptime for the younger while the older gets to hang out with me.

The gym comes later in the day as we sing songs while sitting in ATL traffic, play and workout, and have more fun in ATL traffic on the return trip.

I cook dinner (or buy fast food).

I head upstairs to put the kids to bead.

Right now, our bedtime routine, which is usually me because my mister works retail, is still hard, but getting better.  Everything in parenting is for a season and I see that more and more.  In parenting, things always change – like the weather in Carolina.  We brush teeth, change diapers, and sit down to ask some catechism questions, say our Bible verses, and read a story out of whatever book we are reading.  Some times this process goes better than others, but you never know.

5 Minute NIghttime Bible Stories from Tommy Nelson has been a really good resource for us.  Our boys are 3 and 4.  They don’t have long attention spans at that night, but we expect them to sit still and listen.  These have been a dose of truth with teaching them Bible stories and encouraging them to pray at the end.  We did enjoy the colors and pictures.  The stories were more than one page, so the boys could turn the pages.  But, it wasn’t too long that they lost interest  The authors asked questions to involved the kids in each story (to appeal to different learning styles).

I think it is always a good idea to end the day with learning about Jesus, praying, instilling a restful peaceful truth of the gospel into your children.  Sometimes our nights aren’t so peaceful, but we work toward that with much grace!

This post is sponsored by Tommy Nelson and they are giving you a copy!  Answer the question – what is one tip you could give to other parents on bedtime routines!


Good Good Father (a book review)

posted in: Books, Kids r Readers 2, parenting | 8

Good Good Father

In the back of our car there is a kite.  My mister has had the kite since he went to the OBX in Carolina.  I wonder if he bought that kite thinking he might one day have boys that love to spend time with their daddy and fly kites together.

Chris Tomlin, worship songwriter and dad, has writtten a great book for littles that starts out with a kite.  But, more importantly this story is about many of the ways (God is inexhaustible) that God loves us.  It is beautifully illustrated.  It is so true

One of the best things about my husband is that he is a good Father.  We had such a short courtship before we got married that I rarely got to see him around children.  I knew from his character that he’d be a great Father.  And, now I witness it.  My men love to fly a kite during the week at a local park, always scouting out the new parks to hopefully catch the wind.  He is more patient with those boys than I will ever be – which they desperately need.  He is loving and plays with them on the floor or with toys.  He is so caring toward them.  They resemble him.  He teaches them the truth about Jesus.

These are all good ways in which hopefully the boys will see God the Father in my husband, their earthly dad, so that one day they might come to know God.

This book by Tomlin is available to you.  Tommy Nelson is giving one away to a reader!  Get excited because this will make a great addition to your at-home library, wonderfully teaching your children about God.

One question: what is one activity your children love doing with their dad?

What I’m Learning About Forgiveness

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Don’t we all think we are pretty good at forgiveness – or is that just me?

I am learning I stink at it – truly.

Most of the time.

The Bible says that “While we were still in our sin (we hadn’t said I’m sorry, will you forgive me), Christ died for us.”

Here’s what has been in my head, the Spirit has been working in my heart, and I’m still not there yet.  All I can ask of the Lord is that He would continue to work forgiveness in me.

I’m really good at forgiveness when someone asks me to forgive them.  I’m all about it.  No matter the sin.  Because, I’ve been forgiven much so I need to forgive.  Christ has done so much to forgive me, I have no right to leave the door shut to others.

Oh, but wait…what happens if others don’t ask forgiveness.  What happens if someone has said something that has hurt me to the core, and they won’t ask forgiveness because they don’t know they’ve hurt me.  What happens if someone has hurt me, and they don’t think that it should have hurt, so they don’t need to ask forgiveness.  What happens if someone hurts my husband, therefore hurting me, but has yet to ask forgiveness?

Will I mend bridges?  Will I sulk?  Will I forgive them no matter the personal cost to myself?  Will I truly believe and act in a way that communicates gospel reconciliation, even when it hurts me so much.

That is what I’m working on folks.  That is what the Spirit shows me all the time.  I want a heart that pleases Him, not one that holds on to bitterness and grudges.

31 Days: The Who Takes Care of My Rebellion and Helplessness

posted in: 31days | 1

The Lamb of God

The mister and I were talking last night about this series I’m studying and writing.  I told him about yesterday’s post on generosity and how that’s one of the traits I desire to see in both of our boys and also how I want it to define our lives as well.

Then, almost as a discouragement, I said “this side of heaven we’ll never be generous with completely pure motives.”  I’m often aware of the yucky motives that fill my head and heart.  There are times when these motives surprise me and discourage me – apart from Christ.  I know that Christ has redeemed me and the Spirit is working to sanctify all of me.  It is such a long journey.

I doubt David – when he was in the fields with the sheep – thought to himself “I’m going to be a murderer and an adulterer when I grow up.”  But, that is the deceitfulness of sin.  Sin settles in on every part of our lives.  No part is left unaffected.  David had sin in his heart and blatantly stepped over the boundaries that God had set for sexual purity and protecting life.

David also would have been familiar with the sacrificial system of the Jewish religion.  HE knew of the blood that was given during the sacrifices.  He knew the stained alters and the stained hands.  He also know that only one person could cleanse those stains.

And he believed in One who would later come from his family who would fulfill the forever requirements of the sacrificial system and take away every rebellious act and every way our lives are scarred by the affects of the Fall.

Psalm 51:1-2

Further reading: John 1:29, Exodus 29:38-46


Family Ministry Book: Pass It On

posted in: Books, Shepherding Children | 0

Pass It On

How do you lead your family to know God better and to dwell in the truth of the Gospel?

As Christian parents, we know that is our chief goal as parents – not to save them (because only God can do that) – but to introduce them to the Gospel and to pour the Gospel into their lives so they will have every chance to respond to the Gospel before they are out of our homes.

But, it is much harder to do.  We usually want a play by play or some ideas to help us achieve said action.  Some of us struggle to know how to incorporate the Gospel into our every day lives, every day conversations, mini van rides from soccer games.  And we also struggle with knowing how to plan special events that will hopefully be a supplement to our every day conversations – but will help drive home the Gospel into our babies’ hearts!

The new book, Pass it On, by Jim Burns and Jeremy Lee, is a special one to me.  One of the authors, Jim Burns, wrote the first devotional I ever read as a teenager, Spirit Wings.  I remember it being the first one I read when I was in high school and I was learning what it meant to have a quiet time.

Pass It On is a very helpful instructive book to parents.  Not only does it give insight into your children (or children of the same age) on many different viewpoints, it helps you with activities you can do with them to help cement the Gospel into their lives.  At every age it gives you a larger activity (not just a conversation).  You can get some wonderful ideas from this.  You can take all of them word for word and incorporate them into the life of your family, or you can just take the ideas, pray, see what the Lord would have you do – how to change it up, match it to your family.

The most important concept this book drives home is that raising your children to love God is hands on.  It is active.  If you want to make a lasting impact for the Gospel on your children, you need to always be sharing the Gospel with them, living it out in front of them.  And parents, with older kids, parents who may have just become believers – its not too late.  Its never too late.  Don’t be regretful over the years in the past – but confess them to the Lord and press on in obedience now.

Thankful for Litfuse for sending me this book in exchange for this review, and all thoughts are my own.