There are some themes that take over the Christian conversation world from time to time. And by that I mean so many of the books being published are about the same topic, or podcasts are interviewing people speaking on the same topic.
Right now is seems to be about friendships, belonging, community, etc. And one of the questions or tips with figuring our my enneagram number has something to do with this. One of the reasons I chose my enneagram number is because I have the ability to fit in anywhere, but I don’t always feel like I belong.
Belonging is a deep sense of “I’m loved no matter what” and “these people get me” verses just being able to get along, hang out, or blend in. As someone who has been in ministry leadership for 20 years and moved around for 17 years, I’ve been rather good at that.
But fitting in is not belonging. Belonging is sitting down and having your soul poured into for hours on end, and you don’t even have your flip flops on.
Belonging is sharing whatever is on your heart without a lull in the conversation because you don’t have to worry about what to say. You won’t be condemned because you aren’t perfect or don’t fit the mold. I’ve lived in areas where I’ve not fit the mold and so I’ve neither fit in or belonged – and that is so lonely.
I was listening to a podcast just yesterday and they were talking about Sabbath, resting, and loneliness. And usually, I have found if I am lonely, it is not primarily because I am not around friends. It is because I’ve been absent from the Word in an intimate way, slow to pray, and seeking all of my fulfillment from those who can’t fill it.
Heather Holleman writes a Bible study called Included in Christ – a study on the book of Ephesians. She does a really good job at helping us know where we are in Christ – rooted in Him – and known by Him – and tells us that we can belong. She helps you see your part of the story in this wonderful book of the Bible.
Some folks are very detailed and organized in their Bible study. I’m not. I kinda pick a book then study it in different ways: a Bible study, sermons, books, lettering, drawing, writing it out, etc. So, this is a good one to help me along my journey in Ephesians.
If you would like to win a copy of it, just leave me a comment about anything and I’ll pick a winner soon!
Thanks to Sidedoor Communications and Moody Publishers for my copy. All thoughts are my own.