Blogtember: Current 24
Every time I see the number 24, I think of the TV hit show. And I never even watched it. But, funny thing what advertising does to your brain! My days start early (around 6). Most days I go to … Continued
Every time I see the number 24, I think of the TV hit show. And I never even watched it. But, funny thing what advertising does to your brain! My days start early (around 6). Most days I go to … Continued
Its the end of the month, but I’ve actually stayed on food budget this month so I’m very excited! This week is going to be some whole foods for me – and some fun stuff for the boys and my … Continued
Today is a little different in our home as far as Sundays go. We usually go to church. Not this week. One of sons has pink eye and a yucky cough and lots of snot – so we chose not … Continued
When our children are small, we teach them many important things to do: tie their shoes, brush their teeth, look both ways before crossing the street. We teach them how to go to the potty, drink from a cup, … Continued
Today’s blogtember challenge is all about what is on our wishlist. Goodness…my mister knows that I always have a running list of things that I want, but that aren’t in the budget. So, that makes it perfect for him or … Continued
I am always reading. And I thought yesterday – that reading is probably one of the best way to educate yourself or better yourself on a budget. Traveling I think is the best way to educate yourself – but our … Continued
Here we are again with a sweet friend that is a true creative. When I first met Sarah back when she was in high school, I knew she was a creative. It is in every fiber of her being. She … Continued
I love music. I always have. I recall hearing a tape growing up. It was a home-recording of my brother singing I Am a Promise in practice for his kindergarten graduation. I was in the background hiccuping. Yup. My vocal … Continued
If you haven’t been in a Michaels are read blogs you may not know this – but coloring books are back. No, not for kids – but for adults. Mostly women who want to have a creative outlet. Coloring books … Continued
Wow – there is no way I can pick just 5. I’ve been in blog world now for about 10 years and I’ve read different ones over the years. My fave one who no longer blogs is Jenna from eatliverun. … Continued